How can you keep specialize in the way you would like to go ?
Deepen what you really love to have ?
No one know is it the right choice ?
Yeah , give it a try , but way too difficult to do for me.
Yeah. Get a better life in your own way . Celebrate others people lives and create mine
You nerver know .
Way too difficult to guess .
Way too difficult .
Way too difficult .
University is the last transfer terminal .
People have their last call for what they go .
It is just not enough time to pack all things for me .
Some people made it good .Some people made it better .
I am going to bet on my own .
Oh it's a mystery to me.
We have a greed, with which we have agreed...
and you think you have to want more than you need...
until you have it all, you won't be free.
Knowledge vs Grade ?
Friends vs Social Networking ?
Love vs Desire indugence vs Exit ?
Inspiring vs Unclear ?
Simple vs Easy ?
Certifications vs Labels ?
"I hope you're not lonely, without me.
I hope you're not angry, if I disagree."
Anyway,make it mine do my stuff.
I have to write it down
Because I am afraid one day I would not hear my own voice ever again.