2011年7月18日 星期一


Something better left unsaid .
The world is a place where senses determine almost everything !
The majority is a gathering for unconscious being and thoughts which no intensity of passions can be found !
The beautiful intelligent world is out there waiting to be discovered , however , they are all striving for power, to be the elites by winning competitions !
Humanity is lost because we all aspire to be the best machine we can , consume as many as products because we related to them !

Those who disagree will believe I am mourning here which is the sound of weakness !
You wait for your sensuous hero !
You conscious are different from your heart ! Your emotions are get hold not by intelligence but senses ! Impressions rule , Senses rules !

Wisdom is alienated in the world of senses !
You are preaching with nothing , the world said to me .
However I said no ! You cannot go through the world with individuality doesn't mean I can put my personality inside the world for possibility !
Law , Medicine , JP Morgan , Goldman Sachs , you are what the world wants !
However , please do not diagreee with me for I pursue something , wisdom , sensous pleasure , beauty , virtues , humanity , they are what is happiness to me !
Asthetics will be my appearance for making the difference !
Dandy rules ! Rake rules !
Surrounding myself with good music , with my acoustic guitar , ear listening to Muse , I am ready for ruling the world with the asthetic displeasing !
I will have my David Hume , Michek de Montagine , Sartre where you think they are shit !
The crowds need something new beside Iphone , constant chases of techology which will never fulfill their hearts !
You kiss , you have sex , you get sensous pleasure but will never compare to the joy of personality !
Life is given and I am going to discover as many as I can ! Say it ! Demonstrate it ! Observe it ! Use your power when neccesary where people will be appreciated ! Never stop your mission by mere disapproval of people !
Never break down the obstacles where ist can build a stronger intensity of love !
Submission , make others submit by your superiority where it is unbeatable !
Glasses determine your wisdom , no worries of the outside !
You are going to amend them and the grace is yours

Shiller ! Goethe !