Why there are so many assigments an projects ? Recently I have taken my third non-tuition part-time jobs. Schedules have packed quite fully. Currently I have courses much more related to Logistics, with less mathematical training which I cannot really apprenhend well. That would be good , suppose. However I feel my heart detached from the curriculum, I really cannot fully devoted to what the courses materials try to give me . All kind of business theories, technical training and analysis. I suppose to like it as being a science students. But my heart completely detached from it. Of course I strive for good grades, 4.0 , however I really find the curriculum hadn't nourish any my viewpoints about things and peoples. So, I used sources sometimes , so I can do something really meaningful to me. Is this thinking good ?
Today , a small event really bring me to think.
Edward Lam 林奕華 , at the end of the lessons talked with me. I have attended his lessosns since first semester , which I act as a helper for this semester course. Conversation as followed:
Edward: Are you Yeaer 1 student ?
Me : Yes, I am.
Edward : What are you study ? Comparative Literature ?
Me : ar ........ (I am happy as being seen as read a lot ,HA ) .... no , I am studying logistics.
Edward : I see ,those technical training one ?
Me : Yes. But I fell detached sometimes.
Edward : Hey , why don't you transfer ?
Me : Don't want to waste time ( And my AL grade definitely not allow me , HA )
Edward: Remember ,read more books and think more.
Me : Yes, definitely I will
Studying professionals training currculum definitely allow me to have career with better salaries. But at this moment, I really feel a sense of inadequate to train for suiting capitalistic things. Sever years of high schools for a placement in university. Three years of University life for career placement. Will this process miss something really important ?
There are many routes for planning University life. I find the major ones not really suit me . They are good to many people. But for me , I need another way for my University life.
At the end of the lectures , I went to Starburks. One of an E&F alumni approches and chat with me for 30 minutes. I don't know him before. But he shared with me the experiences about finance ( He is now working in I-bank ).This really a funny experience.
There are many ways to pack schedules. Some are suitable for A ,but not B. Some suit B but not C. There are much more choices to choose. I guess.
There are always impulses to write things in my heart. So I think I will write more frequently.
I try my best not to make it too self-serving .